DIY Christmas Stocking Decorations for Your Home

Christmas is at the door, and so is Santa! Have you hung your Christmas stockings?

No? Like seriously? Where will Santa keep your presents? How can you forget the stockings? They are the prettiest thing on the earth and a non-living things that will actually make you feel every emotion.

It’s okay! If you forgot. But it’s not that late, still. You can still decorate your mantle with hot (because it’s already cold outside) and classic style DIY Christmas stockings. Yep! You read it right. DIY. Do It Yourself. We know the easiest way is to quick-decorate your mantle with stockings is by getting them from the market or ordering online. But you won’t get the quirk of festivity through that. And that is why we thought of providing you with some quick DIY ideas for Christmas stockings.

But before that, do you know why our mom just used to keep stockings, and not a bag? Is this a tradition or something? This tradition of decoration stockings has been passed on to us by our ancestors. We are following our moms and our moms followed their moms. But why is it so? And today, you will get an answer to this. So that whenever your toddler asks you the questions that you ask your mother, you have a proper solution, not a made-up one, like, because they can make your look house Christmassy. Or something like that.

According to the old saying, Saint Nicholas put gold coins in the stockings of three sisters as he knew they were very poor, and girls were extremely good in behavior. The three sisters hung their stockings on the mantle to let them dry, and the next morning they found stockings filled with gold coins. Since then, every child started to hang their stockings, hoping to get gifts.

Now you know the actual reason behind the Christmas stocking. So are you enthusiastic about making personalized Christmas stocking this year? The following are the ideas that you can use in creating your own unique Christmas stocking to impress Santa. (By the way, Santa knows everything, whether you have been a good child or not!)

We won’t tell you to sew stockings you can get simple ones from the store or online. And then let your creative soul do its work.

1. Pom-Pom Party

Pom-Pom Party decoration

Get a stocking and a pom-pom lace. Now place the lace on the upper part of the sock and sew it along the edge. You can also personalize it with your name.

2. Striped Soul

Striped Soul decoration

Get the striped stockings and cover the upper part with the burlap ribbon. To make it look more attractive, you can stick pom-pom or tasseled lace to it.

3. Plaid Pop

Plaid Pop Christmas stocking

Plaid is a new trend. Get a plaid stocking online or sew one with a blanket (of course of plaid print), and add a furry lace to it. You can also stick the cut-outs of snowflakes on it to give a Christmassy look.

4. Monogram Manual

Monogram Manual Christmas stocking

Simple yet classic. Get your initials embroidered on the sock and let Santa know which one is yours. The monogram effect on the Christmas stocking is something different. You can play with prints in stockings, but make sure your monogram highlights. If not embroidery, then you can go for embossing.

5. Burlap Beauty

Burlap Beauty Christmas stocking

Sew burlap stockings. Cut two of the rounded L-shape pieces from burlap and then sew around the edges after leaving an opening at the upper part (for reference keep a sock with you). And decorate it with anything, from pom-pom lace to patchwork anything.

6. Classic Christmas 

Classic Christmas Christmas stocking

Go real Christmassy with the red and green theme for stockings. For this idea, you can go for a different print as well as the fabric but make sure red and green is a must thing. Velvet is a better option.

7. Bold Boom

Bold Boom Christmas stocking

Go bold with embossing on furry stockings. Stick the cutouts of Santa, Christmas tree, snowflakes, and other elements to make your stocking stand out boldly.

8. Elf Emboss

 Elf Emboss Christmas stocking

Let’s change the shape of stockings, from standard to something Elfy. Elf stocking is all about its form and for print, you can go for either polka or striped. You can also go for patchwork with the Christmas elements.

9. Jungle Jiggle

Jungle Jiggle Christmas stocking

Make jungle the center of attraction. Stick artificial leaves and flowers on the stockings and decorate the mantle with a green plant runner for the cover-up (real or fake! Up to you).

10. Patchwork Presence

Patchwork Presence decoration

Use fabric in your stash and make patchwork Christmas socks.

11. Tassel Trim

Tassel Trim Christmas stocking

Add tassels to the trim of the stockings. You can stick or sew the tassel lace on the side of the socks or just on the upper part. Select tassels of contrasting colors to make them highlight the area.

12. Knitted Know-how

Knitted Know-how Christmas stocking

Use your knitting skills and knit stocking from wool. It will give your mantle a warm look and gifts a cozy place to stay in.

13. Vintage Vibe

Vintage Vibe Christmas stocking

If you are going with the vintage theme for Christmas decorations, then this is the best one for you. For vintage style Christmas stocking, you will have to add the traditional elements of Christmas. And select the socks of dull color for the perfect vintage look.

DIY Christmas stockings
DIY Christmas stockings decoration
Christmas stockings

Gifts in the Stockings:-

Follow these ideas for highlighting the area where you are going to hang your Christmas stockings. If you aren’t able to Create one get one from a real store or virtual store, but make sure it is one from the above ideas.

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Nishant Desai
Nishant Desai
Nishant Desai has over 8+ years of experience in SEO and blogging. His blogging expertise can organically increase online visibility and traffic for blogs and websites. With his SEO expertise, he has already contributed to iGeeksblog, Firstsportz, and Firstcuriosity. In addition, he can create content strategies, conduct keyword research, publish optimized blogs, and resolve technical issues.

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