23+ Inexpensive Raised Garden Bed Ideas That You Can Easily DIY

Owning one of those vibrant and beautiful garden spaces might have been your dream for yours. Bringing in newer varieties of plants every day to fill up the spaces is how we start. But what about after we have managed to collect the most exotic plant varieties? You need the space to hold them as well right. This is yet another way of amping up your garden space. Bringing in inexpensive raised garden bed ideas that are one of a kind and will give you the most unique garden spaces built.

The elements that are other than the plants are what make or break the aesthetic factor of garden space. Exploring the same, here are a variety of panters ranging from big to small to coloured ones.

1. Inexpensive Raised Garden Bed Ideas with Sleek Steel Bins

Inexpensive Raised Garden Bed Ideas with Sleek Steel Bins

One of the most aesthetic pieces of material for raised garden bed ideas is the steel bins and containers that are lying around your house. These bins can be cleaned up and used by filling them up with soil and planting those fresh greens. The contrast in the colour palette, as well as the material, will accentuate the garden space for a unique new look.

2. Customizable Wooden Boards

 Customizable Wooden Boards

Do you know the best way to get something one-of-a-kind done? It would be to do it yourself. That will include building the container that will hold your plants. By doing so, you will be able to choose the design and space you need for them. Repurposing wooden planks to put together one would be an easy start to the process.

3. Fill in Aesthetic Pots and Planters

Fill in Aesthetic Pots and Planters

If you have designer pots and big vases that are lying around as empty showpieces, why not use them to hold plants!. This raised garden bed idea will give the unused pots and planters a purpose and will add a new aesthetic element to the space. The design of the planter/vase would be highlighted as now there is a plant in it to call it home.

4. Heights of Beauty with Benches and Shelves

4. Heights of Beauty with Benches and Shelves

Why should benches be used only as benches? Wouldn’t it be great to use them as planters to enhance the garden? This arrangement will bring a new perspective to the space as the bench or shelving unit will add a sleek contrast of lines to the irregularly elegant plants.

5. More Than Just a Bathtub

More Than Just a Bathtub

You might have an old bathtub that is lying around waiting to be picked up to be thrown out. Hold there! Why would you waste so much free space where your plants can go? You might stand out in your neighbourhood as tubs filled with plants are a rare sight to see, but a very low cost cheap raised garden beds idea to reduce expenses, and waste and stand out with creative thinking.

6. Use Out Tables and Teapots for Inexpensive Raised Garden Bed Ideas 

Use Out Tables and Teapots for Inexpensive Raised Garden Bed Ideas 

A small table originally intended for holding a few magazines in the middle of a room can be adapted to hold plants. The top part of the table can be fixed with a bottom to hold soil and plants instead of a tacky piece of glass while the bottom portion can be stored with gardening necessities. The bottom space can also be filled with smaller planters making the table turn out with two different ways to hold plants. 

7. Planters and Buckets 

Planters and Buckets 

You can use buckets as a planter for varied flower bed ideas since they can contain things. Especially if you have an old broken bucket lying around, fill it with soil and use it to hold plants in your garden. The defect of the bucket would hardly be an issue as the soil wouldn’t leak and it doesn’t need to be carried around. 

8. Handmade Wooden Garden Box Ideas

Handmade Wooden Garden Box Ideas

Incorporating small wooden planters will allow you to arrange the plants in multiple places rather than clubbing them in one location. As simple as the task sounds, building your wooden planter from scratch gives you control over the numbers and the built. The work can be split between your family to make for a perfect bonding time as well.

9. Stepped Planters for Inexpensive Raised Garden Bed Ideas  

Stepped Planters for  Inexpensive Raised Garden Bed Ideas  

When it comes to heights and the visual dynamics that it brings to a frame, you can say that variety always wins. A height difference between two planters gives the whole picture an aesthetic appeal, which is where a stepped arrangement comes in handy. You can reuse the small wooden ladder you might have to hold in planters at every level. 

10. Raised Beauty of Brick

Raised Beauty of Brick

Are you looking for garden bed ideas with a material change from the classic wooden platers? Then let us get on with brick ones, that have the most complimenting hue that goes with any plant. Planters or beds that are lined and made with brick and mortar add an earthy essence to the setting. You can even go ahead and paint them the desired colour if brick red doesn’t suit your taste.

11. Pallet Garden 

Pallet Garden

It is the easiest way of getting in a holder for your plants. The separating grid-like arrangement of the blocks makes it a very familiar yet unique way of planting. This would keep each row separated which brings a rigidness to the design of organic plants. 

12. Raised Cinder Block Planters

Raised Cinder Block Planters

Concrete or cinderblocks can be efficiently reused as planters as raised  cheap flower bed ideas. The bottom might not hold a plant high, but on the ground, it can be filled with soil to hold any. This would be an effortless way of getting into planters that are not traditional but still do the job.

13. Tired Garden for Inexpensive Raised Garden Bed Ideas 

Tired Garden for Inexpensive Raised Garden Bed Ideas

A tiered garden is a way of exploring the raised cheap flower bed ideas for your plants. If you own a four-wheeler, having an unused spare tire hanging around is a typical occurrence. As one of the cheapest raised garden beds ideas, why not fill them up with soil to hold the plants. It would bring in a contrasting texture to the earthy tones that hold your garden space.

14. Framed Garden

Framed Garden

Raising the planters to a height can be done by using a simple frame of metal posts. You can attach smaller planters to the frame and then hang them where you prefer. This arrangement is less crowded as the bottom portion will be empty.

15. Wooden Stepped Garden

cheap raised garden beds

A unique twist to the vertical arrangement of planters is a single unit that has a height variation. Its arrangement can be similar to a staircase that continues to grow in height in itself. Units to this can be added in a spiralling format, creating a piece of art with the planter arrangement.

16. Garden Wheel 

Garden Wheel 

Cartwheels are a thing of the past right? Well, what about bringing it to the future to be used as a planter option? The pie-like division of the wheel will give the planting space a distinctive appeal combined with the old-world charm of the wheel.

17. Repurposing Empty Boxes

Repurposing Empty Boxes

Rather than throwing out your empty boxes, be they made of any material, you can use them to create a mini garden of your own. Anyone can opt for this idea of cheap raised garden beds. All you will need to do is clean it properly and fill it with soil to hold the plants. If you happen to dig out boxes of different colours and textures, they can collectively create a garden design aesthetic.

18. Wall Fixed Wooden Planters

Wall Fixed Wooden Planters

A wooden or framed pedestal isn’t the only thing that can lift your plants high. Ever thought of pinning them onto a wall in a vertical frame? Small planters can be fixed onto a frame of a blank piece of wood, which can then be fixed onto a wall to be hung. This can be turned into a featured wall as well if you have enough numbers to cover the surface. 

19. Wooden Pallets for a Raise

Wooden Pallets for a Raise

Apart from being a planter on its own, wooden pallets can be the pedestal your planters need to stand out. It can be done by stacking up the pallets for the desired height of the plant. Filling up the pellets as well as using it as a raised platform for other planters can be combined with a swell to give a holistic finish to the arrangement.

20. Corrugated Metal Planters

Corrugated Metal Planters

The unique zig-saw texture of corrugated metal sheets makes it a unique garden bed idea to implement. With a galvanized surface, it can adhere to the various environmental conditions and thus will have no damaging effects. As it has sharp edges, wooden frames can be used to protect it and raise the planter to the desired level. 

21. Fabric Planter Beds

Fabric Planter Beds

Fabric planters firstly might not sound that sturdy right? Well, that is hardly the case as they form the most well-rounded structure to hold your plants. Fill them with enough soil to hold their form to house plants for their surface. It becomes an eco-friendly way of planting as well. 

22. Portable Planters for  Inexpensive Raised Garden Bed Ideas 

Portable Planters for  Inexpensive Raised Garden Bed Ideas 

Gardening does include a lot of labour when it comes to arranging the plants you’ve cared for so long. Making the shifting process much easier would be to add a set of wheels to your planters. Raised frame planters can be easily attached with the wheel on its four legs to be portable anywhere around the space, making it easy to arrange your garden space.

23. Rustic Wooden Logs

Rustic Wooden Logs

Going up a notch closer to nature itself, wooden planter boxes hardly need to be processed. Wooden logs lying around can do the trick just fine. Making raised garden bed designs with the same for the soil to be filled in can be done easily by arranging four trunks of wood on the ground. This brings a more nature-centric and rustic vibe to the garden.

24. Strawbale Planter Bed

Strawbale Planter Bed

Ever thought Straw bales can be used for planters? Well, don’t be surprised as they work very well in holding a frame for the solid and the plants. They can be simply arranged into a grid-like pattern to hold the plant in the centre. It can even be used as a seat in the garden with its width. 

25. Wall Fixed Boot Planters

Wall Fixed Boot Planters

Repurposing unused objects to hold in plants can be a unique way of expressing your creativity. Spare-coloured boots or unused ones can be filled in to hold smaller plants. These can then be placed or even fixed up in several locations to bring a pop of colour to the garden.

A garden filled with lots of different types of vegetables
A garden filled with lots of green plants
A garden filled with lots of different types of plants
A row of cement planters filled with plants
A garden filled with lots of different types of plants
A garden filled with lots of green plants
A wooden table sitting in the middle of a garden
A garden area with a fence and various plants
A wooden box filled with lots of plants
A basket of fruit sitting on top of a brick wall

5 Tips for Building the Greens of Your Dreams with  Inexpensive Raised Garden Bed Ideas 

Building the Greens of Your Dreams with  Inexpensive Raised Garden Bed Ideas

Including DIY methods in setting up your garden space can have several benefits, but not having a grip on how to set it as a whole wouldn’t help. So, here are some quick tips for you to browse through to get going.

  1. Start with collecting the varieties of different plants that you need for your garden. You can’t build the rest of the garden unless you have enough plants to work with.
  2. Look at what kind of spaces you want in the garden. Do you want planters on the ground to form a layout or do you want them separated and up for the ease to move them when you want? Including your own cheap DIY raised garden bed would result in a personalized and creative way of expressing your garden theme as well.
  3. What other elements do you want to include in your garden? Lighting options to enhance the space, especially at night, would be a great addition. Stepping stones, water features, etc. can be included. 
  4. A separate patch for a vegetable garden can be useful for everyday use. It would increase the value of your garden design as well.
  5. Once you have everything in place you need to be alert about maintaining the garden you tried so hard to build. Otherwise, the efforts so far would just dry off into dust real soon.

Creating the best and perfect garden space with these inexpensive raised garden bed ideas can be similar to a facelift for the whole space. Not to mention the various items you would be saving while following some or most of these options. It is a feasible and sensible way of using up those extra objects that would have otherwise ended up in a junk pile. It also saves you time, money, and energy spent in selecting new branded holders. All in all, these raised garden beds can be the very element your garden needs to brighten up its glow.


How Hard Would It Be to Execute These DIY Options?

These options for low-cost cheap raised garden beds are extremely simple to execute. Most of them don’t require any extra work as they hold soil on their own.

What Colours in Planter Options Go Best with a Garden Space?

Bringing in vibrancy with coloured planter options is a smart way of brightening up the garden space. As gardens are a host to a variety of flowering plants, bright colours to earthy and muted tones work best to compliment the layout.

How Does One Achieve a Good Gardening Layout?

It would require thorough processing of the various options for the gardening layout. You can go through your neighbouring gardens and get inspired as well as browse to get an idea of how you want it set up. Once you have all the elements in place you can work towards getting them to complement each other to achieve the best gardening layout according to the desired theme.

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Saili Sawantt
Saili Sawantt
Saili, once an architect, has seamlessly transitioned into the world of writing. With a background in architectural writing, content strategy, and curation, she now brings a unique perspective to fashion. For the past three years, Saili has collaborated with various multimedia publication houses, design firms, studios, organizations, luxury brands, and educational institutions. Beyond her professional endeavors, Saili is an avid reader and an adventurous traveler, channeling her experiences into her work.

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